Lens of Profound Knowledge

Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge, further enhanced by PKP Inc., describes 4 sciences that interact in complex human systems such businesses, government organisations and NGO’s:

Appreciation of a System: Understanding the organisation as a system of interlinking processes, people, technology and other elements – the combination of which deliver outcomes.

Understanding Variation: Starting with the basis of measurement science, learning about the operation of the system through the variation in business strategic and operating metrics.

Theory of Knowledge: Understanding how individuals, teams and whole organisations learn from experimentation and challenge underlaying beliefs to drive productive change for the better.

Psychology: Understanding what motivates people to do what they do, and how to motivate them towards positive change.

PKP Inc, further enhanced Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge, by adding in the practical interplay with the Leadership Philosophy and Practical Values (amounting to the Culture) of the organisation.

The practical application of Profound Knowledge guides our approach to consulting and coaching business improvement.

© Profound Knowledge Partners Inc 2006-2020

Strategic Enterprise Improvement System (SEIS)

Like any structure, the future success of a sustainable enterprise depends on building a solid foundation upon which the organisation is built. Being able to survive and even thrive in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world depends on the adaptability of the structure and its products, services and business model to the rapid changing nature of the environment and marketplace. Whilst many others have discussed the possibility, Profound Knowledge Partners provides a model, including tools and methods, truly Creating a Learning Organisation.

Strategic Intelligence

Inter-related with Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and 14 Points of Management, Dr. Michael Maccoby has addressed a model for leaders seeking to assure long term sustainable success for the business. Strategic Intelligence is a framework and a set of skills to enhance a leadership team’s ability to envision and lead change in their organisation:

Strategic Visioning +

Building on both the SEIS Framework and Maccoby’s Strategic Visioning model, Profound Knowledge Partners Asia has further developed the Strategic Visioning + framework, helping organisations to practically establish an innovation and improvement plan across 10 critical elements of an organisation: Leadership Philosophy, Business Purpose, Practical Values (Organisation Culture), Products & Services, People (Structure, Capability & Engagement), Policies (the “rules” by why the organisation operates), Plant (premises, IT, production equipment, etc.) and Business Processes, along with Key Partnerships, and the Operational and Key Measures of the enterprise. This framework is designed to help an organisation plan in detail a growth strategy towards a sustainable future.

© Profound Knowledge Partners Asia 2016-2020

Accelerated Model For Improvement (AmiTM)

The Accelerated Model For Improvement (AmiTM) from PKP Inc. builds on the earlier API model, enhanced with a more structured approach to applying Change Concepts, and in creating Improvement Charters. Framed by the Three Questions, and the application of rapid experiments guided through PDSA cycles, AmiTM is a practical set of methods for driving innovation and continuous improvement in any organisation.

To Learn more, see our videos here and here.

High Impact Leadership Teams (HILT)

The HILT Model addresses the core requirements for assuring the strongest foundation of a team:

  • Purpose (Role & vision of the team)
  • People (Functional and team roles and competencies)
  • Process (Ways of Working)
  • Performance (Objectives & measures)

Plus the critical facilitating aspects that ‘oil the gears’ of a team and the way it interacts within and outside to achieve High Impact:

  • Practical Values (Valued behaviours)
  • Communication (How information flows)
  • Trust (-building)

Underpinning all that are the fundamental aspects related to:

  • The organisation’s Leadership Philosophy
  • Application of The System of Profound Knowledge
  • Understanding and use of the Accelerated Model for Continuous Improvement.

All of these components are recorded and maintained in the form of a Team Charter which captures the most important social agreements of the team, along with who is in the team, what are their operational and team roles, and any other aspects important to the team.

The Six ‘I’s of Innovation

Developed by Natalie Turner, CEO and Founder of The Entheo Network, The 6 ‘I’s® is a PEOPLE and PURPOSE centred methodology that blends the principles of design thinking with organisational development, and a unique innovation strengths assessment for individuals and teams. The model and approach address both the human and process aspects of innovation in any organisation

To learn more:

Read the book: “Yes, You Can Innovate”, Natalie Turner, Pearson Education, 2018


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